SOFT BUTTER Musical Album Release

"Our ancestors. Gertrude Stein, James Baldwin, Nina Simone, but also the mothers in my family, trans activists in the 60s, anyone who hung out with Yoko Ono. Process, Undoing, Space, Transformation." This is Éamon Boylan's concoction of inspiration for Soft Butter: a trans fantasia on edible themes. The recording is set to be released on July 22nd on Spotify and iTunes. The voices of Soft Butter include Boylan, L Morgan Lee (A Strange Loop), Dana Aliya Levinson (Adam, The Dress You Have On), Esco Jouléy (Runaways, Galetea) and Milo Longenecker (suck + blow, AD of Sacred Circle Theatre Company). Original orchestrations and sound featuring Luna Skye, Danny Ursetti and Jacob Jarrett. Recorded, mixed and edited by Patrick Thompson. Illustrations by Jacob Michael.

You can follow Soft Butter's journey on FacebookInstagram and on their website